Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A year of push ups

I'm not one to make new year's resolutions, but I saw on some blog somewhere (wish I could remember where so I could give proper blame credit) a description of the one-year push up challenge.  The idea is to start on January 1 with 1 push up, do 2 on 1/2, 3 on 1/3, etc., so that eventually you do 365 push ups on 12/31.  Sound a little crazy?  They did say you were free to split up the reps later in the year, so on New Year's Eve you can do 180 in the morning, 5 at lunchtime, and 180 before you go to bed.

I've been meaning to start some upper-body work, so I decided that even though we are a few weeks into 2010, I can still catch up.  Starting Friday night, I took up the challenge.  I am up to January 12 now, doing a set or two a day.  I figure if I do at least 2 sets a day from now on, I can catch up in about 2 weeks.  The first half of the year won't be too bad.  Do a set in the morning, a set in the evening, 40, 50, 60 push ups a day.  But later on, we'll see.  200, 250, 300, 350 push ups a day?  I don't know.  By January 1, 2011, I will have done 66,795 push ups.  If I start looking extra buff this year, you'll know why. 

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